
(节选) 【徐志摩】


“看,一只黄鹂!” 有人说。




Yellow Bird

(Partial) Text by Zhimo Xu

A spectrum of color springs into a tree,

“Look, a yellow bird” someone exclaims.

Proudly raising its tail, silent,

Its foreign beauty illuminates the foliage –

As a ray of spring, a blaze, as passion.

Translated by Zhou Tian

黄鹂 Yellow Bird

《黄鹂》”Yellow Bird” composed by Zhou Tian (Born. 1981). It is from his Three Chinese Songs (Voice & Piano) 《三首中文歌曲 》composed in 2002. The composition uses contemporary Western classical music and adds some Chinese folk elements. This year, I asked Hong-Yu Dance Studio based in YunCheng, China to choreograph this piece. Hong-Yu Studio choreographed the dance piece in the contemporary dance style (or modern dance style) with Chinese classical dance elements to fully cope with the music. The choreograph team reflects that “the inspirations for the choreography largely lie in the habits of the yellow birds themselves. The choreographing team reflects or reproduces the birds’ movements with dance expressions by observing images and video resources of them. ” (编舞的灵感在于黄鹂鸟的本身习性充分观察鸟类生物的生活状态可以更加完美的体现或者说复刻以及舞蹈化). The lyrics of this piece are excerpts from a poem of the same name written by Zhimo (1897-1931). It is the first half of the poem that describes the yellow bird as like fire and passion at night.